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Why we need to talk about men’s mental health


For anyone living with mental health problems can seem scary, difficult, and even intimidating to speak out about it. for men in particular. It can be disheartening to do so due to the stigma and expectations put upon them. I believe that it is so important to speak up and fight stigma, so personally I believe that we must normalize everybody when applicable to seek mental health assistance.


When comparing the mental health statistics between men and women within the United States, results are quite alarming. For example, men often die by suicide 3.5x more than women.

Looking into it further, about six of every 10 men experience at least one trauma in their lives. it is said that men are more likely to experience trauma related to accidents, physical assault, combat, disaster, or to witness death or injury, that can evoke PTSD, depression, or anxiety.

In fact, nearly 1 and 10 men experience depression and anxiety and less than half that do seek out treatment or are vocal about it. 49% of men feel more depressed than they admit to the people in their life.

Statistically speaking, men are more quiet about their struggles when it comes to mental health in women.

So, why don’t men speak up?

As discussed previously HERE men often feel the need to uphold to cultural and societal standards. Their masculinity is also challenged and often questioned once they’re vulnerable and displaying emotions.

Many men also look at other men and find that they are OK while dealing with similar situations, leading some to feel like they are the only person who can’t seem to handle it. Once they do muster up the courage it can be difficult to know where and how to start.

If you are lost or confused on where to seek mental health support feel free to go through my blog for more free and readily accessible self-help solutions. Furthermore, some of the resources used within this post below are great starting points. If you wish to seek further assistance, feel free to contact me through the contact page.

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